Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Results Of My Isotope Bone Scan Received

Well after 2 weeks of anxious waiting for my results of my bone scan to come in the post, I finally decided to ring my cancer clinic.The clinics secretary's answer phone was on!,I left a message to ring me back.
By 3 pm no call so I rang again and the phone was answered by the secretary who just happened to share the same sir name as me,good omen I thought!
She informed me that she was about to print off the results and post them to me but could not tell me the results over the phone,more frustrating and anxious waiting time! She then informed me that if she spoke to the Dr. and asked his permission she would be able to ring me back and read out the results,this I readily agreed to.
5pm arrived and no call,then at 5.15 the phone rang and it was the clinic secretary with my results.I was feeling really nervous to what I was about to be told!
"There is no sign of any cancer anywhere in your bones, she said, and the shadow that was on your pubic bone on the scan 5 years ago has totally disappeared".
As you can imagine I let out a loud Yessss! great,thank you.
I still have prostate cancer but at least now and hopefully for many years to come it at least is not in the bones.When I had my last scan and an x-ray on my pubic bone area as the spot there had shown on the scan and they wanted a clearer picture of the dark spot.
The Dr's had spent a few days visiting me each day in hospital and couldn't decide on what treatment to give me as they couldn't decide if the spot on my pubic bone was arthritis or cancer that had escaped the prostate and gone into the bone.So they finally decided to put me on hormone drugs and chemically castrate me.
So now the spot on the pubic bone has disappeared it is still not known if it was cancer or arthritis.Has the hormone treatment killed off the cancer cells or my strict diet and anti oxidant foods I eat? or was it not either cancer or arthritis but something else?
Maybe I could have had treatment on my prostate and not had hormone drugs! I and the Dr's will never know.Today I just thank god I'm still here,and feel in pretty good health except a little tired sometimes and don't sleep long at night,and obviously the hormone drugs kill your sex life,but it could be worse if the spot had not shown I may have had other treatment that may have caused me major problems!
So today I feel great relieved the pressure is off at least for a while and I slept a straight 5 hours last night which is good for me,a I'm normally up for a pee every 2-3 hours in the night.
I now await my next PSA blood test in August to see if my cancer count has stabilised or gone down,as it had gone steadily up every 3 monthly clinic visit and that was why the Dr. requested the bone scan.
So now await the blood test in August!

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News and Opinions from Cancer Research.

New Asprin Can Fight Cancer,Daily Express

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