Do you like your eggs boiled or fried? If your answer is neither based on research done by some clever Canadians, I would reconsder. Eggs have a lot more to offer than just protein. In fact you could say that you can quite literally throw an egg at Cancer. Here's what I mean... In addition to protein, eggs often contain high levels of disease fighting antioxidants. Specifically active ingredients like tryptophan and tyrosine.
Another important factor is that the egg yolk is consumed along with the egg white. Researchers at the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed diets of either primarily wheat or corn. In their examination, they found that the yolks contained tryptophanand tyrosine, two amino acids with high antioxidant properties. Organically raised hens, which are fed high quality diets rich in vitaminsand minerals, will also produce higher qualityeggs, which will subsequently be loaded with more essential nutrients. "Ultimately, we're trying to map antioxidants in egg yolks so we have to look at all of the properties in the yolks that could contain antioxidants, as well as how theeggs are ingested," said Jianping Wu, a member of the research team. The discovery of the two amino acids within the raw egg yolk may only be the beginning of studies regarding the healthful impact of egg consumption. Little is truly known about the full scale of antioxidants held within raw egg yolks,and much more research is needed to even begin scratching the surface. Currently carotenoids, responsible for the yellow pigment in egg yolk, are known to be found in eggs along with peptides. The research team plans to launch further studies in order to investigate egg carotenoidsand peptides before attempting to map out more antioxidants in egg yolks. Vast healing power of foods still not entirely known Raw eggs are only one example of natural foods that contain powerful antioxidantsand other nutrients that scientists do not fully understand. Whether they are unsure of the benefits, or do not even know the nutrients exist yet, natural foods are continually found to address more and more health concerns on a daily basis. The best part about it is that these studies haven't even caught up with the full spectrum of benefits that eating high quality organic foods delivers to the body. Researchers from prestigious universities will still be catching up with natural health advocates for yearsand years to come. Sources: |
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