Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Truth about Saturated Fat and Unsaturated Fat


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Canola Oil Deadly for the Human Body!
The Canola Oil Story
The Canola Oil Hoax

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The following is adapted from reportage beginning in 1996 by Tom Valentine under the trade names of Search for Health and True Health based in Naples, Florida. Carotec Inc., 941.353.2348. And Maryland based Mary Enig, Ph.D., who is the world authority on palm and coconut oils, and transfatty acids. A search for Enig will turn up dozens of citations including her own website.

It has been very much in vogue in health food circles to praise Canola oil as very healthy oil-high in polyunsaturates, while condemning tropical oils such as coconut or palm oil as being saturated and unhealthy.

The high praise for Canola is propaganda put forth by the Canadian government because "can-ola," a hybridized rape plant, is one of that nation's chief export products. Rapeseed oil contains toxic erucic acid. Canola has much less erucic acid in it.

Health food store operators parrot the hype without checking any facts. Consumers search out various products with Canola oil in them because they believe this is somehow much healthier than other oils. All food grade Canola, including the varieties sold in health food stores, are deodorized from its natural terrible stink with 300 degree F. high-temperature refining. You cannot cook a vegetable oil at that temperature and leave behind anything much edible.

Research at the University of Florida- Gainsesville, determined that as much as 4.6% of all the fatty acids in Canola are "trans" isomers (plastic) due to the refining process. Contrary to popular opinion, saturated fats, especially those found in coconut oil are not harmful to health, but are important nutrition. There are no trans isomers in unrefined coconut butter, for example. This refers to many published research papers by Mary Enig, Ph.D. that refutes all the establishment propaganda condemning saturated fats.

In 1996, the Japanese announced a study wherein a special Canola oil diet had actually killed laboratory animals. Reacting to this unpublished, but verified and startling information, a duplicate study was conducted by Canadian scientists using piglets and a Canola oil based milk replacer diet.

In this second study published in Nutrition Research, 1997, v17, the researchers verified that Canola oil somehow depleted the piglets of vitamin E to a dangerously low level.

In the abstract of the study, the Canadian researchers made the following remarkable statement: It is known that ingestion of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n-3 and n -6 series results in a high degree of unsaturation in membrane phospholipids, which in turn may increase lipid peroxidation, cholesterol oxidation, free radical accumulation and membrane damage. All very bad attributes.

That statement is remarkable because PUFA is considered essential to a healthy diet. Yet none of the above listed results of eating it may be considered healthy. So now we have something seemingly brand new to the dietary health arena.

Here the Canadians are condemning any oil that contains essential fatty acids. EFAs cannot stand heat. They turn rancid quickly. Proper processing, i.e., cold pressing, and protection from oxygen for storage is paramount with EFAs. Mainstream toxic commercial food making requires complete removal of EFAs lest shelf life disappear in smelly rancidity.

Absent the removal of EFAs, few manufactured toxic chemical foods would make it out of the warehouse. So, here we have Canadians telling us that their country's main oil export kills little animals. They suggest that perhaps it was the health giving EFAs left in the Canola oil after it had been scorched at temperatures above 300 degrees Fahrenheit to get rid of the EFAs. They don't tell you that whatever EFAs are left in the oil, are now poisonous rancid fats. It may be that the now toxic remnants are what's killing the vitamin E, and killing the little piggies. I think the Canadians produced that deceptive half truth to protect their careers from grant drought.

Firstly, the idea of something depleting vitamin E rapidly is an alarming development. Vitamin E is absolutely essential to human health, and when so much PUFA is available to diet as it is today, the demand evidently becomes even more imperative because tocopherols control the lipid peroxidation that results in dangerous free radical activity, which causes lesions in arteries and other problems.

Canola oil now has been shown to be a very heavy abuser of tocopherols or vitamin E, with the potential for rapidly depleting a body of the important vitamin. The researchers did not know what factors in the Canola oil were responsible. They reported that other vegetable seed oils did not appear to cause the same problem in piglets.

Genetically Manipulated Canola Seed Gets Loose In The Fields

Monsanto announced in April 1997, that it was recalling genetically engineered Canola seed because an unapproved gene slipped into the batch by mistake. The Canola seed had been genetically manipulated to resist the herbicide toxicity of Roundup, which is Monsanto's top money making product. The recall involved 60,000 bags containing two types of Canola seed, which is enough to plant more than 700,000 acres. Both types of seed have the wrong gene in them. The genes in the recalled seed have not been approved for human consumption.

A spokesman for Limagrain Canada Seeds, which was selling the seeds under a Monsanto license, said that experts are trying to determine how the mistake occurred. We may never know how this happened he lamented.

The implications of this error are serious. No one in his right mind is unconcerned about genetic manipulations getting lost.

On January 26, 1998 Omega Nutrition, one of the major producers of organic, cold pressed oils for the health food store market published a press release. The release states that if you are cooking with Canola oil of any quality, you might as well be using margarine. In the case of refined Canola oil, the important health benefits have been processed away- leaving the consumer with the nutrition of say, white flour- and, dangerous trans-fatty acids have replaced a lot of the beneficial omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Oils high in omega 3 are not capable of taking high temperatures. Heating Canola distorts the fatty acid turning it into an unnatural form of trans fatty acid that has been shown to be harmful to health.


According to Mary Enig, unrefined coconut oil is safe to use in cooking. Finding it is not so easy as a result of the American establishment's highly successful attack on all imported palm and coconut oils. Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., another highly regarded international expert on fats and oils, says both are the same. They are named for their physical state at room temperature. Udo says the only safe oil to use to fry or bake with, is water.

He says no fat can stand the temperatures used in food processing without being adversely affected.

MARGARINE isn't raised as an issue on those pages. So I will make a brief statement here about it. (Oleo) Margarine isn't food. It is a manufactured grease concocted in a machine from various oils and chemicals. Canola and soy fats (oils) are in nearly all margarines. This butter substitute does not exist in nature. It cannot be grown or converted from a natural food as butter and cheese is.

It was invented to win a prize when Napolean III was surrounded and ran a contest for a palatable grease for his otherwise dry bread. Most restaurants substitute it for butter without notice to you. Commercially manufactured ingestables use margarine wherever Canola cannot be used in their recipe that otherwise would use butter. There are licensed dieticians and physicians who, in total ignorance, will sincerely urge you to eat this poison in pursuit of better health. The usual canard is, "It will reduce your cholesterol levels." which is yet another awesome fraud and completely false.

Partially hydrogenated oils- trans-fatty acids, are always poisonous. Mary Enig's original laboratory research is currently the world's standard for understanding the basis for the foregoing statement. Cooks and chefs working recipes that call for shortening or fats input will have to find coconut oil or use saturated animal fat if they are interested in producing something other than poison. I don't eat restaurant food.

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Toby Maloney

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It's often called Canada's "miracle crop". It's marketed as a healthy alternative, and, for the moment, growers can even make a living. But is Canola oil actually healthy? And for whom? The name Canola, from "Canada oil", was the signal that some sophisticated marketing was going to take place. Canola was the first crop created modern plant breeding methods. It is usually credited to Baldur Stefanson at the University of Manitoba, who took rapeseeed, previously used as a lubricant in ship engines, and bred varieties that were low in erucic acid and glucosinates. In 1979 the Rapeseed Crushers Association decided the new "double low" varieties should be given a different name to avoid association with previous rapeseed products sold as cooking oil. It was no coincidence the new name rhymed with granola. As concerns over levels of saturated fat in other oil products grew, the new product entered the market as an alternative low in saturated fat, but high in desirable oleic acid. Demand skyrocketed and farmers rushed to buy seed.

But before we add the happy-ever-after to this technological tale, there are some important issues to consider. What might seem healthy for city dwellers to consume isn't necessarily healthy for people where it is grown, for workers who handle the materials used, or for the environment. A typical Canola crop starts with seeds treated with fungicide for seedling diseases, and often an insecticide to prevent damage from flea beetles. After the seedlings emerge, herbicides are applied to control weeds. Canola yields can also be affected by a variety of insect problems, for which the remedy is often aerial spraying, and a fungus problem just prior to harvest called Sclerotinia.

This focus on chemicals isn't that different from cereal crops that are grown conventionally and this is not to say that other oilseeds are any better.

The problem is that instead of finding ways to use less or no herbicides and a lot less fuel and synthetic fertilizer, we are promoting a crop that is very difficult to grow organically. Also, Canola is the first crop in Canada to receive a license for "transgenic" varieties - plants altered with genetic material from other plants or animals. Typically, the transgenic varieties are designed by chemical companies to require the application of their favorite brand of herbicide. Given the cancer risk, would you call a food crop that is increasingly dependent on herbicides, fungicides, and even aerial spraying of pesticides, "healthy?" While prairie provinces export thousands of tonnes of Canola oil (and they have begun to make a diesel fuel out of it), if you want to buy a quality cold pressed edible version, you're not going to find a prairie product. This to me is the equivalent of France selling no Champagne, no Beaujolais, just cheap plonk in screw top bottles.

In most cases the best ingredients in oil are seriously damaged or destroyed by the industrial-type processing that occurs. As detailed by oils expert Udo Erasmus, in his 1988 pamphlet Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, most oil is refined with acids and the same base that unclogs drains. Then the bleaching process removes "every essential nutrient except fatty acids."

Then deodorization by steam distillation distorts some fatty acids into "trans-fatty acids" which interfere with beneficial ingredients in oils. But any of this is mostly irrelevant if we are eating deep-fried doughnuts or French Fries, or frying our food until the oil smokes or eating margarine made from hydrogenated oil.

And for most consumers that is their experience with Canola. And so it is only a cynical manipulation to promote the nutritional value of Canola, when the nutrients don't make it to the table. This manipulation -and the manipulation of seeds, of processes and commodities markets - is only possible because most of our population is no longer involved in food production. That's not healthy.

Toby Maloney is an environmental activist living Boissevain, in the southwestern Manitoba grain belt. This article first appeared in City Magazine. - NL -

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By Carol Clark Keppler, B.S., M.A.
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 13:56:39 -0400

Hoax? An intentional deception? About a cooking Oil? So who cares anyway?

The truth is -- we don't know the truth, or we'd be more than a little concerned. It looks like the American public has been sold a bill of goods -- again. We believed the immunization hype about flu shots for adults, and that the AIDS epidemic was caused by "green monkeys", didn't we?

Here's the latest one -- Canola oil for health conscious Americans! An overnight, instant top seller, Canola oil is on the tip of everyone's tongue -- not to mention in their blood and throughout their bodies.

Big displays in every health food store, touted in ads for healthy french fries by a local burger place, Canola oil is advertised by a local supermarket as being in all their baked goods. Used in salad dressings, in mayonnaise, cereals, cookies and in thousands of foods -- Canola is there with government approval.


How much do we know about it? Here are some facts:

1) Used as a lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base as well as an illuminant for slick color pages in magazines.

2) It forms latex-like substances that cause red blood corpuscles to clump together.

3) It's real name is RAPESEED OIL, renamed, CANOLA OIL, (Canada Oil) for obvious reasons. It's one of the main crops grown in Canada where it is being field tested. It's grown in the United States as well.

4) Rape Oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986-1991 but no longer is used because of the animals that went blind and mad ('MAD COW DISEASE').

5) Experts agree that the effects of ingested Rapeseed Oil take at least 10 years to manifest - so not to be concerned.

6) Rapeseed is a member of the mustard family, one of the most toxic of all plants, and is shunned by insects.

7) Mustard gas, which was banned in war because it blisters lungs and skin, is made from rapeseeds.

8) Irradiation (!) is used to turn the rapeseed oil into acceptable Canola Oil??

What are the effects of Canola oil in our diet over a period of time? I think we're just beginning to see them, but, as yet, no one has put it all together. Symptoms usually come on so slowly one might not be aware that there is a problem.

Strange new diseases involving the nervous system may be caused by Canola oil which dissolves the myelin sheath off of the nerves throughout the body. As a matter of fact, the heating of most oils during the cooking process does the same thing. Very gradually over the years, symptoms develop, which at first are perhaps only annoying, but which eventually will be diagnosed as a disease.

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