Well that's the isotope scan done today! Started the day off at 10.30 am with an injection of radioactive fluid into a vein,which is then absorbed into the bones to aid the scan.
I may have been nuclear man for a few hours but didn't feel any more energy!!
Then I had to wait 3hours after the injection for the fluid to circulate before the scan,and had to drink 1&1/2 litres of water during the 3 hours wait.
The machine comes within an inch from your nose when scanning the head ! quite claustrophobic !
Now have an anxious 10-14 days to wait for the scan result.
Perhaps a positive point is they said in appointment letter once the scan is finished,the scan will be checked and occasionally x-rays taken to interpret the bone scan.When I had a scan 5 years ago they took x-rays after as they saw a small shadow on my pubic bone in the scan and checked it further by the x-rays.As they didn't do any this time hopefully it's a good sign.
Paula said she want's to use me as a night light tonight as she expects me to glow in the dark like a luminous watch ! lol