Wednesday, 24 August 2011

My PSA Count Has Gone Down On Clinic Visit

It looks as though the Casodex tablets the doctor put me on at my last clinic visit are working,after my large increase in PSA level at my previous visit. My count has gone down from 24.5 to 11.2, but my creatinine ( kidney function count) has gone up a little to 145 which is a bit above this time last year. My doctor wants me to have another blood test for creatinine count in about 6 weeks and if it's still up, he will then arrange a scan to check my kidney's.Have to give up that large glass of whisky a day for awhile to help the kidney's lol!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Diet And Prostate cancer

This is a very important article emphasizing yet again the need to control ones sugar intake. If you are not checking your sugar intake from just about every food item on your supermarket shelves then you are placing yourself at risk. You will even find excess sugar in products sold in so-called, health food shops. I rigorously check all my food items for it sugar content (and for sodium) and avoid adding additional sugar to my beverages, etc
2 quick tips that will help you on your path to better prostate health. Firstly we can't over-emphasize the benefits of exercise. Study after study has shown the positive benefits of exercise for prostate health in order to reduce pro-inflammation substances as well as increase production of anti-inflammatory factors. Read more about Exercise and Benign Prostatitic Hyperplasia Exercise and Prostatitis Kegel Exercises for Men Second, swap out that coffee for some green tea. Green tea has powerful components called catechins, which have been associated with a variety of health benefits for the prostate. Read more about Green Tea and Prostate Health.
Unusual Fat Loss Tips, Healthy Diet Tricks to Lose Belly Fat: Is this "healthy food" making you fat and sick?


News and Opinions from Cancer Research.

New Asprin Can Fight Cancer,Daily Express Technology will always be part of the human culture as it makes our life easier than the way it used to be. However, you might also need to notice that it also has its own risk as we speak about the life, especially the health risk like what the cell phone is shown for us. Cancer could be one of many effects that is given by the cell phone as well as the mobile telephone and it becomes main concern for many people. Radiofrequency is one important factor we should know as the reason why cell phone could be really dangerous for our health. Radiofrequency energy that it is emitted by these phones is kind of dangerous and it is important for you to concern much more about that. What do you know about the radiofrequency energy? Have you ever heard of it before? Form of electromagnetic radiation could be the simplest definition of what radiofrequency is and it can be divided into two big forms, which are ionizing (eg, x-rays, radon, and cosmic rays) and non-ionizing (eg, radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency or power frequency). By the time you get so close with that kind of radiation, the chance you get the cancer becomes much bigger than the way it used to be. Non-ionizing might be not dangerous as you see that there are no significant effects that thing to the human health. The general consensus has been that there is no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk. Based on the research of WHO ...