Wednesday 21 December 2011

Can Eggs Help Fight Cancer

Do you like your eggs boiled or fried? If your answer is neither based on research done by some clever Canadians, I would reconsder. Eggs have a lot more to offer than just protein. In fact you could say that you can quite literally throw an egg at Cancer. Here's what I mean... In addition to protein, eggs often contain high levels of disease fighting antioxidants. Specifically active ingredients like tryptophan and tyrosine.

( It is well known thateggs contain a powerful amount of proteinand essential lipids, but new research has found that they also contain antioxidant properties that are known to prevent cardiovascular disease as well ascancer. Researchers from the University of Alberta determined that egg yolks in their raw state contain almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an appleand about the same as half a serving of cranberries. When fried or boiled, however, antioxidant properties were reduced by about half. The reduction in antioxidant properties was even more severe when heated in a microwave, which destroys many of the nutrients in any given food.

Another important factor is that the egg yolk is consumed along with the egg white. Researchers at the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed diets of either primarily wheat or corn. In their examination, they found that the yolks contained tryptophanand tyrosine, two amino acids with high antioxidant properties. Organically raised hens, which are fed high quality diets rich in vitaminsand minerals, will also produce higher qualityeggs, which will subsequently be loaded with more essential nutrients.

"Ultimately, we're trying to map antioxidants in egg yolks so we have to look at all of the properties in the yolks that could contain antioxidants, as well as how theeggs are ingested," said Jianping Wu, a member of the research team.

The discovery of the two amino acids within the raw egg yolk may only be the beginning of studies regarding the healthful impact of egg consumption. Little is truly known about the full scale of antioxidants held within raw egg yolks,and much more research is needed to even begin scratching the surface. Currently carotenoids, responsible for the yellow pigment in egg yolk, are known to be found in eggs along with peptides. The research team plans to launch further studies in order to investigate egg carotenoidsand peptides before attempting to map out more antioxidants in egg yolks.

Vast healing power of foods still not entirely known

Raw eggs are only one example of natural foods that contain powerful antioxidantsand other nutrients that scientists do not fully understand. Whether they are unsure of the benefits, or do not even know the nutrients exist yet, natural foods are continually found to address more and more health concerns on a daily basis. The best part about it is that these studies haven't even caught up with the full spectrum of benefits that eating high quality organic foods delivers to the body. Researchers from prestigious universities will still be catching up with natural health advocates for yearsand years to come.


Sunday 18 December 2011

Is Microwave Cooking Healthy

Is Your Microwave Cooking Making You Sick? A look at how microwaved food can negatively affect your health by Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN & Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist co-authors - The Fat Burning Kitchen Do you know what (besides a television) is in almost every home in America? It’s a microwave oven. Because microwave ovens are quick and easy and don't take up much space, they are used for meal preparation in the home, at the office, and even restaurants. Even your favorite healthy restaurant may depend on these electrical devices to quickly heat up or cook foods. So, the question here is — Are microwave ovens safe, and is it ok to eat the food cooked in them? Before we look at the science of how microwaved food can affect your blood chemistry and negatively affect your health, let's look at a bigger picture, common-sense thought process about this... If you think about it from this perspective, the human digestive system evolved over tens of thousands of years to digest food that was either raw or cooked in water or by heat.  However, food cooked via microwaves is a totally alien and unknown cooking method to the human digestive system. It's just common sense that such a radically different cooking method will alter the chemistry of the food to negatively impact our health. Now onto a little more science... Let’s take a look at how microwaves ovens work Microwaves are a part of the whole electromagnetic spectrum of energy that includes light waves and radio waves. They travel at the speed of light--which is about 186,282 miles per second. So how does that oven heat up the food so fast? Inside the microwave oven, there is a “magnetron” which is a tube full of electrons. The electrons in the microwave oven react with magnetic and electronic energy and become micro wavelengths. This is the radiation that interacts with the molecules in food. Food molecules have a positive and negative end, kind of like the way a magnet has a north and a south polarity. The electrons from the magnetron produce wavelengths that react with the positive and negative parts of the food molecules. The food molecules then start vibrating, up to several million times a second. This molecular “vibration” is what creates the heat in the food. This agitiation deforms the molecules in food and creates new unnatural radiolytic compounds previously unknown to nature. These strange foreign compounds in microwaved food have been shown to damage the blood, the digestive system, and our immune systems. Microwave ovens have been actually been around for about 40 or so years, but so far, only a couple of in-depth scientific studies have been done on them. Research showing negative health impacts of eating microwaved food Extensive research, though, was conducted in both Switzerland and Russia on microwaved foods and their effects on the human body. Both studies concluded that microwaving foods significantly deteriorated the nutrient value of the food, distorted protein molecules in the food, and created new, radically unnatural compounds. Most alarming, however, was that the subjects' health deteriorated from eating the microwaved foods. Their findings included: Blood hemoglobin (the extremely important oxygen-carrying component of the blood) decreased significantly after eating microwaved foods.  White blood cell count rose, (as it does in response to an infection). LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) increased, and HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) decreased. Carcinogenic (cancer-causing) agents in foods increased. Higher incidence of digestive system cancers. The Russian scientists found the microwave oven significantly scary enough to actually ban its use--up until recently. When food is cooked in a microwave oven, it has: Significantly less B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and fats. Broken down and de-natured proteins. Loss of vital enzymes and phytochemicals. And here is a really interesting study—done on grain germination: The grain watered with microwaved (and cooled) water would not not even germinate or grow! It’s pretty obvious that microwaving changed the water chemically and destroyed its ability to nourish a plant. Ok, so maybe it’s ok to just heat leftovers in the microwave oven once in a while? NO! Actually, food heated in a microwave is heated unevenly creating super-heated spots and cool spots. Those cool spots may actually harbor bacterial growth such as salmonella, and you end up with food poisoning. In addition, when you use plastic containers or plastic wrap in contact with your food, you end up getting all sorts of nasty chemicals like di(ethylhexyl)adepate, or DEHA, (a carcinogen), Bisphenol-A or BPA (a cancer-causing agent in plastics) and xenoestrogens (synthetic estrogens) in your food! In one recent study, it was found that carcinogenic ingredients in plastic wrap were 10,000 times the FDA limit for safety! Exposure to BPA, used in the manufacture of polycarbonate and other plastics, has been shown to cause reproductive problems and erectile dysfunction, and has been linked with cardiovascular disease and diabetes in humans. Xenoestrogens are really nasty synthetic estrogens that seem to show up everywhere. In men, xenoestrogens can cause low sperm counts and feminization (like the dreaded “man boobs”) and breast cancer and reproductive problems in women. Xenoestrogens promote weight gain around the belly and chest in men, and in women, it shows up as fat in the butt, hips, thighs and the back of arms. So, in addition to being really unhealthy, microwaved foods can make you fat! Parents should never warm breast milk or formula in the microwave oven—not only can it superheat the milk and burn the baby, but microwaving destroys the very valuable nutrients, enzymes and protein vital to babies' growth! And here is something really scary: in 1991, a patient received blood that had been warmed in a microwave oven. That patient died of a severe anaphylactic reaction to the blood. The microwaving created something totally unrecognizable by the body! If you want to be safe, healthy and LEAN, avoid your microwave—totally.  Personally, I threw out my microwave about 6 years ago and haven't even missed it! There are far healthier and better alternatives: Eat vegetables and fruit raw preferably, or if cooked, sauté lightly (with a little water and some grass-fed butter) or steam until tender crisp in a pan on the stove. Heat water for tea, etc in a pan or tea-kettle instead of the microwave—or, better yet-- is to get a steaming hot water tap—I love these things! Plan ahead and defrost frozen foods in the refrigerator. Heat up ALL leftovers over low heat in a pan or in a toaster oven in aluminum foil (it still only takes 4-5 minutes to heat leftovers) If you must use a microwave (and I don’t know why you would!), use only glass containers instead of plastic. Or you may want to try this--small countertop convection ovens are great for cooking foods faster and more evenly than a regular oven or on the stove. My favorite little convection oven is the Flavorwave oven from US Wellness Meats, a GREAT site for grass-fed beef too! You can actually cook a frozen 15-oz. ribeye is in 20 minutes, and it is delicious; browned, tender and juicy. These little convection ovens will broil, bake, fry, roast, grill or steam your favorite foods, including meat, chicken, and vegetable. It takes 20-30% less time than a regular oven, and uses about 75% less energy. This is a far healthier option than a cancer-causing, nutrient-robbing, microwave oven! Please feel free to email the link to this page to your friends and family so they can make the smart decision to throw out their microwaves and protect their family's health!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Cancer Clinic Check-up Visit Today Was Good News

Just retuned from my 3 monthly check-up at the cancer clinic today, I was fearing the worst and that my PSA count and liver and kidney function figures would not be good !. After a months vacation in the USA over indulging and burning the candle at both ends,eating all the foods I normally restrict in my diet,increased sugar intake etc., I was surprised to find my PSA had gone down to 11.2 from 12.4 and my creatin had gone back to where it normally reads. Perhaps the codax tablets are doing their job thank goodness. I don't know if fellow prostate cancer patients feel the same as me between clinic visits and blood test figures, I feel it's like a 3 month reprieve each time the figures are ok. I then start worrying again just before the next blood test and clinic visit that they may have gone up and will I have to go on another advanced form of treatment. Oh well so far so good thank goodness. Back on to a sensible diet again no beef burgers, large steaks and eat as as much as you like American diners,it was nice to let go for awhile and fortunately except for a large increase in weight lol ! it appears to have done no lasting damage to my prostate health. Well back to normal routine and chat again soon, take care one and all and good luck to all my fellow men. Dave

Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Importance Of Exercise With Cancer

Why fitness is important for cancer treatment

Cancer patients must go through various treatments, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and other types of treatments. As a result, cancer patients' bodies go through a tremendous amount of stress. Though every treatment    method is effective for killing the cancer cells, it can leave patients with horrible side effects. Unfortunately, many cancer patients do not know or have not been told that there are ways they can help themselves.


Physical activity is one of the most beneficial things that cancer patients can do for themselves. This applies to patients in any stage of cancer. Of course, physical activity and fitness helps patients with any type of cancer. Whether one is diagnosed with a common cancer like skin cancer or a very rare and aggressive disease like mesothelioma, Fitness during treatments can help.

How fitness helps cancer patients

Physical activity is beneficial for anybody, but it is especially important for cancer patients for a few reasons. First, fitness keeps cancer patients' body functioning properly. Without fitness, the respiratory system, immune system and circulatory system would not be as effective and efficient. Moreover, treatment can really hurt the body's healthy organs, though it kills cancer cells. As a result, a cancer patient's body must work extra hard to recover from extensive treatment and therapy, causing side effects like insomnia, fatigue, pain and dizziness. Fitness can relieve these and other side effects, making a cancer patient's life a little easier.

Second, cancer can really affect patients' thought patterns and overall outlook on life, causing them to become very pessimistic, depressed and anxious. Unfortunately, treatment can also further affect patients' mental health by causing a chemical imbalance. Fortunately, fitness can fix chemical imbalances by producing hormones that act as aphrodisiacs, though not addictive or harmful. Many studies show that optimistic people are generally in better health and can heal faster than negative people. This is especially important for cancer patients.

Third, fitness can help keep the body detoxified. Toxins can severely inhibit the body's immune system and other functions. By keeping it detoxified, cancer patients will feel healthier and have more energy. The toxins will leave the body via excretion, such as urine, sweat and defecation.
This article also lists why fitness is important for cancer patients. Though fitness is not a cure for cancer, it can greatly improve cancer patients' quality of life and possibly prevent the cancer from returning,


Saturday 17 September 2011

Healthy Eating With Prostate Cancer

Eating the right foods and avoiding certain products may help control prostate health. Here are a few of my favourite recipes I feel help control my cancer progression.                                                                                                      

Broccoli Soup
 Cooking time 10 minutes approx.    

 Ingredients for 2 people

1) a head of broccoli
 2) 1 pint of chicken stock ( cube or fresh made )
 3) 1 small onion white or red
4) pinch of dried thyme
5) 1 small potato
6) 1 desert spoon of olive oil
Cooking Method

 In a pan gently fry the onion in the olive oil until soft, add rest of ingredients and season as required. Simmer gently till broccoli is cooked. Blend in a blender after allowing to cool slightly to a smooth soup.

 Tomato Sauce

 Cooking Time about 1 hour

 Sauce for 2 people                            

Natural Cancer-Killers image
1)2 tablespoons of tomato puree
 2)1 tin of chopped tomato                                      
3)3-4 cloves of garlic as
 4)1 medium red onion
5)1/2 cup of good red wine
6)1 teaspoon of Worcester sauce
7)1 teaspoon of black pepper
8)pinch of sea salt
9)chopped de-seeded red chili if you want a hot sauce base for chili concarne/or cayenne pepper( reports say these are good for the prostate)
10)1 red pepper chopped
11)1 teaspoon of paprik
12)Virgin olive oil for frying onions and pepper about 1 tablespoon

Cooking Method

Fry onion and pepper till onions are caramelised,add tomato paste and fry for 1 minute while stirring.Add rest of ingredients bring to the boil and allow to boil for 1/2 minute. Turn down heat and cover and simmer for about 1 hour,add some water if required.At end of cooking if sauce needs thickening boil with lid off to reduce sauce. Sauce can be used as a base for, chili concarne, spaghetti bolognaise, lasagna, pizza, and many other dishes. Or just blended as a soup.

Healthy Chicken Curry

Cooking time about 1 hour                  


1) 1 chicken or chicken piece's ( amount depending on servings)
2) 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
3) 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
4) 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds
5) 1 teaspoon of paprika
6) 1 star anise
7) 5 cloves
8) 1 teaspoon of coriander powder
9) 1 or 1/2  teaspoon of cayenne pepper ( depending on how hot you like curry)
10) 1 red or green pepper sliced into thin slices
11) 2 onions sliced into thin slices
12) 3 peeled and crushed garlic cloves
13) 4 split cardamom seeds
14) 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger shredded
15 1 Dee-seeded red chili if hotter curry required(optional)
16) chopped fresh coriander to serve at end of cooking
17) sliced cucumber and tomato to serve with curry
18) Alpro soya yogurt for Ratia to serve with curry
19) thinly sliced cucumber for Ratia
20) 1/2 teaspoons for Ratia
21) 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric
22) squeezed juice of 1/2 a lemon for Ratia
23) mint for Ratia
24) 1/4 teaspoon of sugar for Ratia
25 Black pepper and salt
26) a few florets of cauliflower to accompany curry
27) 1/2 a can of  light coconut milk or 3 tablespoons of Alpro yogurt.
28) 1 desert spoon of mango chutney,
29) 1about a 1/4 a cup of olive oil for cooking
30) 1 tablespoon of tomato puree
31) 1 tin of chopped tomato's
32) 2inch piece of Cinnamon bark

Cooking method

Prepare chicken by removing all skin and and cutting into serving portions.
Fry onions in olive oil till golden, add crushed garlic,fresh ginger, and fry for 2 minutes, add tomato puree and fry for 2 minutes stirring to prevent burning. Add rest of remaining spices 1-13 and fry for  3 minutes add more oil if needed.Add tin of chopped tomato's and coconut milk, Cinnamon bark and mango chutney, season with sea salt and black pepper. bring sauce to a boil then add chicken pieces. Place on lid and lower heat and simmer till chicken is cooked 20 -30 minutes. Check during cooking and add water if needed and stir occasionally to prevent sticking.If sauce is too thin at end of cooking pour of some into a separate pan and reduce to thicken by boiling rapidly.
Return sauce to chicken pan and add a handful of chopped fresh coriander.
Cook boiled pillau or basamatti rice about 15-20 minutes before curry cooking end time.
I find the easiest way to cook rice is to bring a large pan of salted water up to the boil add a cupful of previously rinsed rice that  has been left to soak in cold  water for an hour to reduce starch and simmer rapidly 15n-20 minutes This way the rice is allowed to move freely in the pan without sticking together. Drain in a collinder and serve, should rice be sticky pour boiling water over rice in the collinder. One cup of rice should be enough for one person.

If you want Ratia with curry , prepare while curry is cooking. De-seed cucumber and chop into fine pieces pat dry with kitchen paper and add to Alpro yogurt along with other Ratia ingredients and stir to mix. Ratia will help cool your palette if curry is too hot.

Cook cauliflower and add too served curry.

I hope you enjoy this healthy antioxidant curry.

Video of foods to eat for prostate health


x; HEIGHT: 186px" id=rg_hl class=rg_hl href=",r:0,s:0" sb_id="ms__id1666">Indian Spices

Vegetarian Curry

I am a dedicated meat lover but if any meal could convert me to be a Vegan, this is definitely it ! I could happily eat this healthy curry everyday.

Spicy and nourishing and the good news is it more than exceeds your 5 a day veg. target. The kids will love it too!

There is a quick cheats way to cook this curry, or by preparing all the spices from fresh ingrediants. The fresh spice route is obviously worth the time taken for improved intensity of flavour, but the quick route will give you a very tasty and enjoyable curry too.

The quick method is to buy a tin of ready cooked vegetable curry which has all the spices already in it, and most of the veg. The end result will vary depending on the make of tinned veg. curry used. I have used Asda brand here in the UK and found it delicious by adding some extra spices quite easily during cooking to the additional vegetables I also use. The tin of veg. curry is used as a quick base to final dish.

The Fresh Spice Preparation Method ( for 2 people )


1) 1 tablespoon of corriander seeds
2) 1 teaspoon of tumeric powder ( or 1 dessert spoon of fresh chopped tumeric )
3) a thumb size piece of chopped fresh ginger
4) 1/2 a cup of fresh corriander leaves ( amount depends on how much you like corriander )
5) 1 heaped teaspoon of cumin powder
6)1 Heaped teaspoon of paprika powder
7) 3 cardamom pods ( use seeds discard pods)
8) 1 heaped teaspoon of fennel seeds ( or chopped fresh fennel about a dessert spoon full )
9) 1 heaped teaspoon of dill ( or chopped fresh dill about a dessert spoon full
10) 1 heaped teaspoon of garam masala
11) 3 cloves
12) 1 heaped teaspoon of celery seeds
13) 1 teaspoon of chilli/ cayenne powder
14) 1 deseeded chopped red chilli ( leave out if you prefer milder heat curry )
15) 1 teaspoon of sugar
16) 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
17) a pinch of salt
18) 2 chopped shallots
19) 1 star anise
20 1 teaspoon or 5 spice powder

Heat the above dry spices for about a minute in a pan to release the aroma, do not burn. Then add them along with the rest of the above ingredients into an electric food blender until a paste is formed. Add a little olive oil to form a paste if mixture is too dry to form a paste.

Rest Of Ingredients ( The amount of vegetables below is a guideline use more or less of each one to your taste )

1) 1 pint of cold water
2) 6 new potatoes chopped in half, if large quartered
3) 1 large carrot sliced or cubed
4) 1 stick of celery
5) 4 chopped tomatoes
6) 1/2 mug of sliced beans
7) 1/2 mug of frozen peas
8) 1/2 mug of cooked chick peas
9) a cup of rinsed red lentils
10) 2 tablespoons of tomato puree
11) 3 garlic cloves
12) 1 teaspoon of cornflour mixed with a little cold water
13) 1 medium sized sweet potato
14) 6 florets of cauliflower
17) add any other veg. you like the choice is yours

Start Cooking

In a large solid pan heat about 2 tablespoons of olive oil add curry paste and fry about 3 minutes over a medium heat stiring continuously to prevent burning, this cooks rawness out of curry paste, add tomato puree and fry for a further minute. Add chopped tomatoes ( 1/2 a tin of tomatoes can be used instead of fresh ones ) Add 1/2 cup of water if using fresh tomatoes and simmer sauce for 1/2 hour topping up sauce with water if required on frequent checks to prevent burning of sauce.

whilst curry sauce is cooking place a pint of cold water in a large pan, add rinsed red lentils, and all of the pepared veg. Add a pinch of salt

*( If using the quick spice method with the tinned cooked veg. curry, add 3
cardomom pods slightly crushed, 3 cloves, 1 tsp of cumin seeds,1 star anise,1 bay leaf, 1 tsp of cumin seeds,to the water )*

Simmer the veg. and lentils about 20 minutes until veg. and lentils are cooked.

Drain excess water from cooked lentils and veg. through a strainer into a suitable container. it makes a great soup, or can be used to thin curry at end of cooking if required. Now add strained lentils and veg. to either tinned curry sauce if using quick spice method, or fresh cooked spice curry sauce. put back on to a low heat to heat through completely.
Whilst heating slice a large onion thinly, a red pepper, and 2 garlic cloves fry gently till onions are golden and caramelised.

Put 1/2 of onions and peppers on each plate and spoon cooked curry on top.

Sprinkle sea salt over if required.

Serve with Nan, or my Chapatti recipe, boiled rice,Pilau or Basmatti rice, bulgar wheat or couscous.

I hope you enjoy this curry as much as I do. Happy eating, Dave.

MANGO CURRY with PRAWNS                      

A delicious warming fruity curry - ideal for supper time.


3 meduim ripe mangoe's, peeled pit removed and flesh cut into 1cm/½in pieces

1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp cayenne pepper.
1-1½ tsp salt
55g/2oz jaggery or brown sugar, if needed
310g/11oz coconut, freshly grated
3-4 fresh hot green chillies, coarsley chopped
½ tbsp cumin seeds
290ml/½ pint natural yoghurt, lightly beaten
2 tbsp coconut oil or any other vegetable oil.
½ tsp brown mustard seeds.
3-4 dried hot red chillies, broken into halves
½ tsp fenugreek seeds
10-12 fresh curry leaves, if avaliable

Preparation method

Put the mangoes in a meduim-sized pan. Add 250ml/9fl oz water. Cover and stew for 8-10 minutes over a meduim-low heat. Stir occasionally. Add the turmeric, cayenne pepper and salt. Stir well. (If the mangoes are not sweet enough, add the jaggery or brown sugar to make the dish sweeter.)

Meanwhile, put the coconut, green chillies and cumin seeds in to a blender. Add 250ml/9fl oz water and blend to a fine paste.

When the mangoes are cooked, mash them to a pulp. Add the coconut paste. Mix. Cover and simmer over a meduim heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture becomes thick. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Add the yoghurt and heat, stirring, until just warmed through. Do not let the mixture come to the boil. Remove from the heat and put to one side. Check for seasoning.

Heat the oil in a small pan over a meduim-high heat. When hot, add the mustard seeds. When the mustard seeds begin to pop (a matter of a few seconds) add the chillies, fenugreek seeds and the curry leaves. Stir and fry for a few seconds until the chillies darken. Quickly add the contents of the small pan to the mangoes. Stir to mix. Chicken,prawns,shrimps can be added.


Healthy, cheap and filling: this tasty chickpea curry is perfect for a weekday dinner.


1 tbsp oil
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp cumin powder
¼ tsp coriander powder
¼ tsp turmeric powder
¼ tsp red chillie powder
1 fresh tomato, chopped
1 x 400g/14oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
5cm/2in piece root ginger, grated
pinch of garam masala

Pitta breads or plain basmati rice, to serve

Preparation method

Heat a deep saucepan or a medium sized wok and add the oil or butter followed by the onions and garlic.

Fry the mixture till the onions are caramelised. Then add the salt, cumin, coriander, turmeric and red chilli powders. Mix for a minute and tip in the tomato. Cook the sauce until it begins to thicken.

Add ¼ cup of water and stir. Then tip in the chickpeas and mix. Mash a few of the chickpeas while cooking. Cover and simmer for five minutes. Then add the ginger and the garam masala. Cook for another minute.

Serve with pitta breads or plain basmati rice, Pea Curry.

Try this Delicious Refreshing 'MANGOES IN ANISE-CHILLI' sweet after any hot curry.


Serves 4

Cooking time 15 minutes

Marinade time 30 minutes

2 fat,ripe mangoes
60g agave nectar
Zest and juice of 2 limes
1 star anise
1 red chilli, de-seeded and finely
2 tbsp good quality tequila
Good quality vanilla ice cream
Small handfulmint leaves


Skin and dice the mangoes. Put the agave necar,zest and juice of the limes, star anise, chilli and tequila in a small pan and bring to simmering point.
Simmer for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat, allowing the mixture to cool anf infuse with all the flavours.
When the syrup is cool pour over the mango flesh and allow to marinade for 30 minutes in the fridge.
Serve with scoops of vanilla ice cream and torn mint leaves scattered over the mango.


Ingredients and Preperation

1) a whole skinned chicken
2) a large pan of cold water
3) 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
4) 1/2 teaspoon of tumeric powder
5) 1/2 teaspoon of paprika powder
6) 1/2 inch of chopped fresh ginger root
7) 1 bay leaf
8) 1 small onion peeled and cut in half
9) 2 crushed garlic cloves
10) 4 cloves
11) 2 inch piece of cinamon bark
12) 1 red chilli split length wise and de-seeded

To cook

Bring large pan of water to the boil and add all the spices. Add the chicken after making shallow slits across the breast and thighs to allow spices to penartrate meat. Turn heat low place lid on pan and gently simmer till chicken is cooked, about 1 hour.


Put washed sweet potato's on a shallow baking tray after cutting into wedges, sprinkle with olive oil and season. Red or green peppers can be added to tray and red onion quaters, and whole garlic bulbs if required.

Cook in an oven until cooked at around 350 degrees f. about 20 minutes.

Serve drained chicken with wedges,peppers and onions, squeeze garlic out of garlic bulb, can be spread on crusty bread of choice.



All of above spices of Healthy Spicy Chicken recipe.Split a whole chicken by cutting on underside nose to tail, and pull apart to splay chicken.Remove skin and cut slits in thick flesh parts of chicken to allow spices to penetrate

To cook

Put spices in the bottom of a roasting pan with sliced onions, peppers ,Chilli and garlic. Put a wire tray over above and place butterflyed chicken on top. Sprinkle with olive oil and season with salt and black pepper.

Place in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees f. and cook for about 1hour 20 minutes depending on size of chicken.Baste chicken frequently with juices from bottom of pan.

When cooked place chicken on a large serving dish. Pour some of fat away from roasting tin and pour remaining juices into a solid pan and reduce until sauce is thicker and pour over chicken.

Serve with rice, french fries, wedges etc.

IF YOU ENJOYED THESE CURRIES please visit my curry site where there are many more curries, some not so healthy !
@ --

WE always Knew a Perfect Curry is Good for you.

Indian curry spices curb stress

ANI Aug 11, 2011, 12.58pm IST
    Adding Indian curry spices like turmeric and cinnamon to a high-fat meal could help reduce   oxidative stress and thus thwart the risk of chroni    disease,according to a new study .                                                                           
    Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood, said Sheila West, associate professor of biobehavioral health, Penn State, who led the study.
    Normally, when you eat a high-fat meal, you end up with high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in your blood, said Sheila West, associate professor of biobehavioral health, Penn State, who led the study.

    Indian Curry Spices

    If this happens too frequently, or if triglyceride levels are raised too much, your risk of heart disease is increased. We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride response by about 30 per cent, compared to a similar meal with no spices added.
    If this happens too frequently, or if triglyceride levels are raised too much, your risk of heart disease is increased. We found that adding spices to a high-fat meal reduced triglyceride response by about 30 per cent, compared to a similar meal with no spices added.West and her colleagues prepared meals on two separate days for six men between the ages of 30 and 65 who were overweight, but otherwise healthy. The researchers added two tablespoons of culinary spices to each serving of the test meal, which consisted of chicken curry, Italian herb bread, and a cinnamon biscuit. The control meal was identical, except that spices were not included. The team drew blood from the participants every 30 minutes for three hours.
    West and her colleagues prepared meals on two separate days for six men between the ages of 30 and 65 who were overweight, but otherwise healthy. The researchers added two tablespoons of culinary spices to each serving of the test meal, which consisted of chicken curry, Italian herb bread, and a cinnamon biscuit. The control meal was identical, except that spices were not included. The team drew blood from the participants every 30 minutes for three hours.In the spiced meal, we used rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, cloves, garlic powder and paprika, said Ann Skulas-Ray, postdoctoral fellow. We selected these spices because they had potent antioxidant activity previously under controlled conditions in the lab.
    In the spiced meal, we used rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, cloves, garlic powder and paprika, said Ann Skulas-Ray, postdoctoral fellow. We selected these spices because they had potent antioxidant activity previously under controlled conditions in the lab.When the meal contained a blend of antioxidant spices, antioxidant activity in the blood was increased by 13 per cent and insulin response decreased by about 20 per cent.
    When the meal contained a blend of antioxidant spices, antioxidant activity in the blood was increased by 13 per cent and insulin response decreased by about 20 per cent.
    The study was recently published in the Journal of Nutrition .
    The study was recently published in the Journal of Nutriti                                                                                                                                                       


    This traditional Punjabi curry is delicious on it's own,as an accompanying dish to a lamb curry or even as a toppping for a jacket potato.Baking the aubergine gives it a lovely nutty flavour. Serves 4


    1 large aubergine

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil

    1 teaspoon cumin seeds

    1 medium onion,sliced thinly

    1/2 tablespoon ginger root, minced

    1/2 tablespoon garlic,minced

    1 tablespoon curry powder

    1 tomato diced

    110g low- fat plain yoghurt/greek 0% fat

    1 green chilli,finely chopped

    1 teaspoon salt

    Half a bunch of fresh coriander,chopped finely


    1) Heat oven to 230c/210c fan/gas 8

    2) On a baking tray,bake the aubergine whole in the oven,allow to cool,then peel and chop into chunks.

    3) In a pan,heat the oil then add the cumin seeds and onion.Fry over a medium heat until the onion is tender.

    4) Add the ginger,garlic,curry powder and diced tomato.Cook for 1 minute before stirring in the yoghurt,aubergine and chopped chilli.Add salt to taste,then cover and cook on high for heat 10 minutes.

    5) Remove the cover and reduce the heat to low.Cook for a further 5 minutes,serve and garnish with fresh coriander..

    Natural Cancer-Killers image

    I have prostate cancer which was diagnosed 5 years ago,After undergoing a TURPS operation I was put on Zoladex injections every 3 months, my initial PSA was 107 and a gleason score of 9. Up until 5 months ago my PSA fluctuated between 10-12,then 5 months ago on an out patients clinic visit it was up to 24 and I was put on casodex tablets 50mg once a day.On the next clinic visit 2 months later it was back down to 11.4 and has been around that figure since.I am currently on the Zoladex and casodex.I'm a great believer in diet and gave up all dairy products and red meats which I ate large amounts of all my life.I eat tomatoes cooked in olive oil nearly every day usualy with advocado and mackerel,sardines or other oily fish.I feel fine on hormone treatment but find it difficult to control my weight.I believe tomatoes and my diet help control my prostate cancer, Dave at

    Unusual Fat Loss Tips, Healthy Diet Tricks to Lose Belly Fat: Is this "healthy food" making you fat and sick?

    Facts about Wheat consumption

    Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat
    I hate the title of this article but the content is pretty good. It also explains why we’re seeing more and more cases of celiac disease and gluten intolerance — and why going gluten-free is more than just a diet fad. Here’s a taste:
    [We now eat dwarf wheat, a genetic hybrid and manipulation of the wheat our ancestors ate.] Dwarf wheat is that it contains very high levels of a super starch called amylopectin A. This is how we get big fluffy Wonder Bread and Cinnabons.
    Here’s the downside. Two slices of whole wheat bread now raise your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of table sugar.
    There is no difference between whole wheat and white flour here. The biggest scam perpetrated on the unsuspecting public is the inclusion of “whole grains” in many processed foods full of sugar and wheat, giving the food a virtuous glow. The best way to avoid foods that are bad for you is to stay away from foods with health claims on the labels. They are usually hiding something bad.
    Not only does this dwarf, FrankenWheat, contain the super starch, but it also contains super gluten which is much more likely to create inflammation in the body. And in addition to a host of inflammatory and chronic diseases caused by gluten, it causes obesity and diabetes.
    Gluten is that sticky protein in wheat that holds bread together and makes it rise. The old fourteen-chromosome-containing Einkorn wheat codes for the small number of gluten proteins, and those that it does produce are the least likely to trigger celiac disease and inflammation. The new dwarf wheat contains twenty-eight or twice as many chromosomes and produces a large variety of gluten proteins, including the ones most likely to cause celiac disease.

    A major study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that hidden gluten sensitivity (elevated antibodies without full-blown celiac disease) was shown to increase risk of death by 35 to 75 percent, mostly by causing heart disease and cancer.[4] Just by this mechanism alone, over 20 million Americans are at risk for heart attack, obesity, cancer and death.



    Wednesday 24 August 2011

    My PSA Count Has Gone Down On Clinic Visit

    It looks as though the Casodex tablets the doctor put me on at my last clinic visit are working,after my large increase in PSA level at my previous visit. My count has gone down from 24.5 to 11.2, but my creatinine ( kidney function count) has gone up a little to 145 which is a bit above this time last year. My doctor wants me to have another blood test for creatinine count in about 6 weeks and if it's still up, he will then arrange a scan to check my kidney's.Have to give up that large glass of whisky a day for awhile to help the kidney's lol!

    Wednesday 3 August 2011

    Diet And Prostate cancer

    This is a very important article emphasizing yet again the need to control ones sugar intake. If you are not checking your sugar intake from just about every food item on your supermarket shelves then you are placing yourself at risk. You will even find excess sugar in products sold in so-called, health food shops. I rigorously check all my food items for it sugar content (and for sodium) and avoid adding additional sugar to my beverages, etc
    2 quick tips that will help you on your path to better prostate health. Firstly we can't over-emphasize the benefits of exercise. Study after study has shown the positive benefits of exercise for prostate health in order to reduce pro-inflammation substances as well as increase production of anti-inflammatory factors. Read more about Exercise and Benign Prostatitic Hyperplasia Exercise and Prostatitis Kegel Exercises for Men Second, swap out that coffee for some green tea. Green tea has powerful components called catechins, which have been associated with a variety of health benefits for the prostate. Read more about Green Tea and Prostate Health.
    Unusual Fat Loss Tips, Healthy Diet Tricks to Lose Belly Fat: Is this "healthy food" making you fat and sick?

    Friday 29 July 2011

    I'm Now On Casodex Tablets

    I have now been prescribed a course of Casodex tablets to take each day due to a steady rise in my PSA count on my last blood test result. It was up to a reading of 24, the doctor advised, as my PSA was continuing to rise it really shouldn't be left any longer before starting this next stage of treatment.
     I continue to have my 28 day inoculation of Zoladex as well as the new tablets. No testosterone left in my body now, not too concerned yet but will be if I start winking and flirting with males, with all these female hormones in me!! lol.
     Read all the possible side effects of taking casodex , on google and the instructions with the tablets before taking them, frightened myself to death imagining all that could happen even by popping a single tablet. Such as growing man boobs! that along with winking and flirting with males could get me in some really embarrassing  situations ! ! lol.
     I'm pleased to say I've not had any noticed side effects yet and I'm feeling well and normal, keep checking for man boobs in the mirror though lol. I'll keep you posted but there deffinately will be no photo's posted should the dreaded boobs appear! lol.
     My next blood test and out patients visit at the Churchill Hospital cancer clinic is 23rd of August, to check my PSA count, fingers crossed that the casodex tablets have managed to bring it down. I've lapsed a bit on my strict dairy and red meat free diet lately ( which I believe being on may help with cancer) so a bit anxious what the results will show.
     I will let you all know after my clinic visit .

    Wednesday 13 April 2011

    The day of my Turps operation

    The day of my operation, I hardly slept the night before, and when I did it was interupted with my mind conjuring up visions of the forthcoming operation.
     The operation was planned for the early morning, but yes I'm sure you guessed all operations in front of me were taking longer than expected and the hours ticked by into the aftermoon, a surgeon came to see me to apologise and discuss the proceedure of the operation. He said the operation could be carried out with a local anesthetic injected into my lumber region ! Well forget the brave soldier act I admitted I was a coward with out hesitation and asked if I could be knocked out? Thankfully he agreed that would be no problem. The hours dragged on and wasn't helping my anxiety ,people were being taken off to the ops room and returning semi concious. Eventually about 4 pm the trolly and porters came for me, by this time I was starving and thirsty going all day without food and drink.
      On arrival at the ops room I was given my pre med and lumbar injection , laid on the trolley and wheeled into the ops room luckely by then I was feeling drowsy.
     Well what can I say a walk in the park! what had I been worrying about I knew nothing till I woke up and was wheeled out of the ops room asking when they were going to start the operation !
      I was taken back to the recovery room, a catheter had been refitted and was full of blood. My legs felt like they were laying on air cushions and Iasked the nurse to take them out from under me as they felt uncomfortable. She informed me that my legs were directly on the bed and it was the effect of the anesthetic I couldn't feel them still.
     My first thought was for food it takes a lot to put me off my food and I was starving,a meal was arranged and within a about an hour after my op. I was heartly eating a full dinner with no post op problems.
     I was taken off to the ward, it was to have been an outpatient op but due to it now being late evening I stayed overnight which turned into a number of days as it took a long period of time to be able to pass water without a catheter. Eventually after many days I was peeing like a 21 year old with no side effects from the operation. Some people I understand have complications after the Turps op, I was lucky I had a good surgeon.

    Out patients visit for my biopsy results

    The day arrived for my appointment to receive my biopsy results, so off I set with girlfriend Paula and catheter in tow ! to the Churchill Hospital, not knowing what to expect from the results of the test.
     On arrival and booking in at reception I was shown into a room and my catheter was removed. I was then asked to go to another room where I was asked to pee into a contraption that measured the rate and amount of flow. I wouldn't of won any prizes at the fair if it had beeen a game LOl ! I was still at the stage where my flow was very weak.
     Next I was shown into the Dr's room for the dreaded results ! You have a large hard craggy prostate said the Dr., visions of a Chineese hairy lychee shell came into mind Lol. You deffinately have prostate cancer I was informed.
     Other Dr's came to see me and said that in their opinion I should have a Turps operation as soon as possible to improve my urine flow as I was retaining far too much in my bladder and it was dangerous for my kidneys. A Turps operation is where a laser is inserted in the one eyed 'monster' - or maybe not in my case lol , and a passage is burnt to the bladder to improve the flow. The treatment for the cancer would continue with Zoladex hormone injections every 3 months. I had never had an operation before in my life and left the hospital in fear of what was to come after being suited and booted with a new catheter!

    Monday 4 April 2011

    My follow up outpatient visits

    I must admit having a catheter fitted permanently was a relief not having to get up in the night for a pee as I had been getting up 4 or 5 times a night, and during the day suddenly having to rush to find non existing public loo's. Also when calling on clients I was driving miles to find a bush with leaves on before going into see my clients, in the end I was peeing in a bottle lol. Not to say what a catheter does for your sex life!
      An appointment had been made at the Churchill Hospital to have a biopsy and on the day I was feeling anxious I had googled all the alarmist comments and how painful etc. it is to have done, (as you do treating google as an all encompassing answer to all things medical!) By the time I arrived at the hospital with my girlfriend I had worked myself into a nervous wreck, I could empathise completely with murderer's going to the electric chair, or prisoners of old going into the Tower of London for torture, I was imagining the pain even before I was touched! I must admit I'm a coward when I'm visiting the dentist and would rather let my bad tooth work it's own way out over months then let a dentist lose on it! They say blue eyed people feel pain more than people with other colours, as I have blue eyes I think that justifys me being a coward!
      Of course the doctor was running late on his appointments  so my anxiety was prolonged! Eventually I was called in to the torture room luckely there were no instruments of torture on view. Well I don't know what I was worrying about It was a walk in the park to what I had built myself up to expect,apart from the embarassment and the feeling like someone flicking a finger inside me ( I assure you I'm not talking from previous experience lol !) it wasn't too bad, I had about 12-14 samples taken.
      I was sent home to await the results of the biopsy and whether I would need an operation or not. Having cancer controls your life in stages of awaiting the next test and then the next result.

    Prostate Diagrams


    News and Opinions from Cancer Research.

    New Asprin Can Fight Cancer,Daily Express Technology will always be part of the human culture as it makes our life easier than the way it used to be. However, you might also need to notice that it also has its own risk as we speak about the life, especially the health risk like what the cell phone is shown for us. Cancer could be one of many effects that is given by the cell phone as well as the mobile telephone and it becomes main concern for many people. Radiofrequency is one important factor we should know as the reason why cell phone could be really dangerous for our health. Radiofrequency energy that it is emitted by these phones is kind of dangerous and it is important for you to concern much more about that. What do you know about the radiofrequency energy? Have you ever heard of it before? Form of electromagnetic radiation could be the simplest definition of what radiofrequency is and it can be divided into two big forms, which are ionizing (eg, x-rays, radon, and cosmic rays) and non-ionizing (eg, radiofrequency and extremely low-frequency or power frequency). By the time you get so close with that kind of radiation, the chance you get the cancer becomes much bigger than the way it used to be. Non-ionizing might be not dangerous as you see that there are no significant effects that thing to the human health. The general consensus has been that there is no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk. Based on the research of WHO ...